Quality - Print

PMP New Zealand’s Print business continually strives for improvement across all levels of service provision, from the personal service given to their customers, through to the highest quality product being delivered off their presses, on time.

As part of PMP Print’s commitment to quality management they adhere to the fundamental QC standards as follows:

1         File checking
2         Blue Print/Proof checking
3         Plate checking
4         Press copy checks
5         Bindery checking
6         Quality Control/ Sample Inspections
7         Post production reviews

PMP Print is working toward ISO14001 and currently has environmental management plans at the three Web offset print sites. PMP Print has certified staff in Auditing and implementing environmental management systems to drive this project.
While PMP Print is working toward ISO14001 accreditation, they have many ISO quality initiatives in place:

ISO Accreditation Initiatives:

  • PMP Print has received training in the practical implementation of ISO 12647 and operation of the Print Spec Colour QA System.
  • PMP Print has an appointed 'Colour Champion' and a colour QA team focused on creating a culture of continuous improvement through the measurement and analysis of colour.
  • PMP Print use printing equipment and consumables combinations that have been optimised to meet the targets and tolerances of the ISO 12647 Specification - plus the demanding grey balance appearance targets of the Mellow Colour Print Spec System.
  • PMP Print use D50 lighting in colour critical areas for viewing prints and proofs.
  • PMP Print colour measurement instruments are regularly calibrated and certified by the manufacturer, and are visited every six months by a Mellow Colour specialist for revision training and review.
  • PMP Print continue to work in producing consistent standardised colour appearance conforming to the ISO 12647 Specification.


ISO 12647-2:2004 Specification

ISO 12647-2:2004 specifies a number of process parameters and their values to be applied when preparing colour separations for four-colour offset printing or when producing four-colour prints by one of the following methods: heatset web, sheet fed or continuous forms process printing, or proofing for one of these processes; or offset proofing for half-tone gravure.  The parameters and values are chosen in view of the complete process covering the process stages colour separation, film setting, making of the printing forme, proof production, production printing and surface finishing.

ISO 12647-2:2004 is directly applicable to proofing and printing processes that use colour separation films as input directly applicable to proofing and printing from printing formes produced by filmless methods as long as direct analogies to film production systems are maintained;

  • Applicable to proofing and printing with more than four process colours as long as direct analogies to four-colour printing are maintained, such as for data and screening, for print substrates and printing parameters.
  • Applicable by analogy to line screens and non-periodic screens
PMP Print PMP Distribution Pacific Micromarketing Gordon & Gotch PMP Maxum