Our Health & Safety

PMP New Zealand recognises that healthy and safe working conditions and practices are vital to achieving business excellence.
PMP New Zealand is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, contactors and visitors throughout its businesses.
PMP New Zealand believe excellence in OHS performance can only be achieved by management and employees communicating openly and actively working together to create a safe workplace through safe systems of work.
To achieve Health & Safety objectives, PMP New Zealand will:
- Continuously improve its OHS performance;
- Comply with all applicable OHS laws, regulations, standards and codes of practice;
- Hold PMP New Zealand’s management accountable for performance against measurable OHS targets and goals;
- Identify, analyse and manage health and safety risks in a consistent manner;
- Involve employees and contractors through the use of regular ‘walk-round’ management inspections, tool box meetings, OHS committee meetings and other appropriate consultative mechanisms;
- Train and hold individual employees accountable for health and safety in their area of responsibility;
- Monitor, review and report health and safety performance in an honest and forthright manner;
- Under-take regular management reviews and audits of the appropriateness and effectiveness of PMP New Zealand’s standards and ‘Safe Workplace Procedures’; and
Benchmark, promote and communicate their health and safety commitment to their clients and community.
PMP New Zealand expects everyone in the company to place their safety and that of their colleagues, above any other business priority